Cockernhoe Endowed CofE Primary School

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Cockernhoe Endowed CofE Primary School

Value of the Month: Responsibility is the value for February

  1. Children's Pages
  2. Amber Class 2021-22
  3. Curriculum Info

Curriculum Info

Curriculum letter

How to access numbots and ttrockstars

Mastery Maths

We are on a journey to embad Mastery Maths teaching and learning. Maths Mastery is designed to allow children to develop a deep understanding of how our number system works and encourage flexible working and choosing efficient strategies. 

What this means for you at home, is that Maths might look quite different to how you experienced it at school. Below is a link to a series of videos that demonstrates and explains strategies and representations that your child may be using at school. Hopefully you will find this helpful. If you are ever unsure of how best to support your child at home, please get in touch with their class teacher. 

Year 1 and reception reading and writing information

Here is the Powerpoint from the Reading and Writing evening (apologies if you missed it - we're still adjusting to being back to 'normal') Also, below it, I have attached a video to show you Bug Club.

Some key points:

  • This is a brief over-view of expectations for reading and writing. There are some suggestions for ways that you can support your child at home: it isn't an exhaustive list and it is not a list of things that you must do.
  • The writing examples and expectations shown are for the end of the year so please don't expect your child to be achieving this yet.
  • Talking about things that exicte and interest them is a great way to develop vocabulary and understand grammar and orally rehearsing (saying) sentences that they want to write makes it much easier for them write.
  • Feel free to share stories that are of a higher level (and often more interesting) with your child: fairy tales are a good choice, as they are used a lot in school and often have repeating patterns that the children can remember.
  • Any acitivities that you do with your child should be short (5 minutes - 10 minutes at the most) though, of course, if they want to continue that's great! 

Reading and/or listening to books should be something to enjoy. If you have any questions or concerns, please get in touch.

Thanks for all your support. We look forward to seeing you back in the school over the next year!

Long term plan