Cockernhoe Endowed CofE Primary School

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Cockernhoe Green, Nr Luton, Hertfordshire LU2 8PY

01582 732509

Cockernhoe Endowed CofE Primary School

Value of the Month: Responsibility is the value for February

  1. School Information
  2. Curriculum



Governors and staff at Cockernhoe Endowed CofE Primary school believe the personal development of pupils, spiritually, morally, socially and culturally plays a significant part in their ability to learn and achieve. We therefore aim to provide an education that provides children with opportunities to explore and develop their own values and beliefs, spiritual awareness, high standards of personal behaviour, a positive caring attitude towards other people, an understanding of their social and cultural traditions and an appreciation of the diversity and richness of other cultures. This is embedded throughout all aspects of school life through the use of our School’s Christian Values such as friendship, hope, understanding, cooperation, tolerance, responsibility, trust, respect, unity, humility and quality.


The school offers a broad, balanced, exciting and differentiated curriculum covering all areas of the National Curriculum through our 2-year curriculum cycle for all classes and our aim is to provide a curriculum that meets the needs, interests and abilities of all children.


Wherever possible lessons are related to the world outside of the classroom to build on children’s experiences and exposure to connecting their learning in different environments and contexts. This is achieved using our timetabled Forest Schools Sessions and with other subjects being linked to the great outdoors, where possible.

We do our utmost to maximise success for all children by giving them the best teaching and learning experiences. This is also achieved through the use of trips, visitors, outdoor learning days and themed days e.g. World Faiths Days, Understanding Christianity focus weeks, African Drumming Workshops, Adventure days.

Our curriculum intends:

  • To provide children with the skills, knowledge and understanding they need to be educated citizens across a broad range of subjects and experiences
  • To include everyone: all children have equal access to the curriculum and be treated fairly regardless of race, religion or ability
  • To promote high standards of achievement and progress
  • To make connections across areas of learning through a highly practical, cross-curricular thematic approach
  • To capture children’s interests through engaging and exciting opportunities linked to real life experiences wherever possible
  • To promote social, moral, spiritual and cultural development and an understanding of themselves and others
  • To develop caring and responsible citizens who respect one another, our planet and a range of values and beliefs
  • To help children think creatively and to solve problems
  • To develop children’s capacity to learn and work both independently and collaboratively


Over the past few years, the curriculum has been carefully designed to ensure the children get a broad and rich curriculum during their time at Cockernhoe. This has been designed to enable all children to acquire relevant subject knowledge, which underpins the application of skills. Knowledge, skills and understanding are carefully mapped across each key stage and subject areas using relevant milestones.

Knowledge is consolidated and built upon to support retention and recall. This ensures that by the time children leave our school they have learned, and are able to recall and apply the key information that we feel is important in order for them to be successful in the future.

Organisation of the Curriculum:

The curriculum is designed to promote enjoyment of learning and to be fun. We endeavour to ‘bring learning to life’ and make it ‘irresistible’ wherever possible through visits out, visitors, theme days and ‘wow’ events.  We consult the children regularly to involve them in planning and decision making and involve parents in their children’s learning at every opportunity.  Each curriculum topic starts with the children discussing what they already know and what they would like to find out about.

Assessment for Learning is used in every lesson to ensure skills, knowledge and understanding are built on from what children already know, at a pace and level that ensures good progression and achievement. 

 Long Term Planning:

The Curriculum is planned over a two year cycle, to ensure the children experience all the topic areas during their time in each class. For example, some children will experience the Stone Age topic in Year 3 and others will in Year 4.  The subject topics have been carefully plotted, to be taught alongside other specific topics to allow children to make links between subject areas.

Medium Term Planning:

Each class teacher plans their subject over a half term or term. These show more detail for the topic being planned, including the Learning Objective, learning activities and potential wow moments.



Children leave Cockernhoe with the academic, personal, social, moral and cultural skills, knowledge and understanding that they need to be successful in the next stage of their education.  They know how to make a positive contribution to their local community and how to be the best they can be.  Children leave Cockernhoe as confident and respectful learners.

Ultimately, the impact of the curriculum is the sum total of the skills, knowledge and understanding the children have acquired, as well as the personal characteristics they have developed, during their time at school.

The impact of the curriculum is measured in a variety of ways, using data and ‘softer’ outcomes such as behaviours, attitudes, knowledge, skills, understanding and enjoyment.

Staff assess the impact of the lessons they teach using a range of methods. Formative assessment and feedback are on-going all the time in lessons.  Planning is adapted in the light of assessment so that learning activities best meet the children’s needs and enables progress to the next steps in learning.

Pupil voice interviews, pupil book studies, deep dives and lesson observations take place termly to assess the quality and impact of the curriculum.

Children’s achievements are celebrated regularly in school through discussion, marking and feedback, displays, certificates and stickers, parent events and Collective Worship.

Parents receive feedback on the impact of the curriculum via their children, Parents’ evenings, reports and discussions with staff.


Curriculum Coverage

All subjects will be taught over a two year cycle to ensure all skills are covered. Click on the links below:

Subject Long Term Plans




History & Geography


Art & DT


Cockernhoe PSHE Curriculum

Jigsaw PSHE skills progression for each age range:

Age 3-5 Jigsaw Skills Progression

Age 5-6 Jigsaw Skills Progression

Age 6-7 Jigsaw Skills Progression

Age 7-8 Jigsaw Skills Progression

Age 8-9 Jigsaw Skills Progression

Age 9-10 Jigsaw Skills Progression

Age 10-11 Jigsaw Skills Progression



Subject Knowledge Organiser


Ruby Class - EYFS


Amber Class- KS1


Emerald Class - Year 3 & 4


Sapphire Class - Year 5 & 6


Other Curriculum INFO


Click on the link below to access other Curriculum areas:


EYFS Curriculum



The school follows  Little Wandle Revised Letters and Sounds  to teach phonics. Little Wandle Revised Letters and Sounds is supported by  books from the  Collins Big Cat  Phonic Decodable Reading Scheme.

 To find out more about Little Wandle Revised Letters and Sounds, please follow the link below, to see how you can support your child with their phonics. 

Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Website

The children move onto the Accelerated Reader programme during their time in Key Stage 1. The children are expected to complete a quiz after reading each book. 

Accelerated Reader - Parent Information




If you would like to find out more about the school's Curriculum please check out the children's pages for each class. Alternatively, please contact your child's class teacher, via the school office.