Cockernhoe Endowed CofE Primary School

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Cockernhoe Endowed CofE Primary School

Value of the Month: Responsibility is the value for February

  1. Children's Pages
  2. Amber Class 2024/25

Amber Class 2024-25




Please click on the links below for further information about Amber Class:

Curriculum Info


Last Year - 2023-24

Spring term

Science - Germs experiment

In Science we did an experiment with glitter to investigate how germs spread and how you need to wash your hands to remove them.

R.E. - Performing Stories

In R.E. we have been learning about tales from Islam and learning how to be compassionate. We performed a retell of some stories from Islam.

Autumn Term

To complete our Topic work this term on the Great Fire of London we were very lucky to have two firefighters come into school to visit us. They taught us about fire safety and we got to try on the uniforms - even Mrs Edmunds had a go! We finished with lots of questions about all sorts of fire and fire fighting questions.

Lights Camel Action!

The Nativity was a fantastic success. We were a bit too busy during the performance to take many photos but we have some group and individual photos along with a few of the performance itself.

Christmas Music with boomwhackers

In Music we used the boomwhackers  to play Christmas songs.

DT - Creating furniture

The second half of the term we designed and created furniture in DT.

Rainy Day PE

When it rains on PE day sometimes we work on our hand eye co-ordination with Speed Stacks. At the end of our skills session we built a giant tower. It was so much fun.

Science - Materials

In Science we were looking at properties of different materials.

Year 1 Maths

In Maths Year 1 have been working hard.

DT - Building Houses

We have been designing and making houses in Design and Technology. The children have selected various materials to build different types of houses. Don't they look amazing?


Summer term

Art from other cultures

Amber Class have been learning about Sadza Batik, which uses cornmeal porridge to create a resist pattern before painting the fabric with dye. We used squeezy 'sauce' bottles to try to draw lines to make patterns and/or animal outlines. It was very tricky to control, but the porridge felt nice because it was still warm.

Look at the colourful designs we created!

Amber class have been learning about Kente cloth which comes from Ghana. We have been learning how to weave and also designed our own kente-style patterns thinking about shape and colour. We learned that each shape and colour has a special meaning

Spring term


Amber Class have been learning about instructions. We followed instructions to make some pancakes, then degugged a pancake recipe in Computing, before writing our own recipe for pancakes using imperative verbs and noun phrases. It was a delicious week!

Amber Class have been learning about repeating patterns. We looked at the work of William Morris and how he created repeating patterns. We designed our own printing tiles and then printed a repeating pattern. We found that the ink was very sticky and made a satisfying noise when you rolled the roller. We also found that using the tile with different colours mixed the colours to create orange, brown, green and purple.

Autumn term

Diva lamps

With the nights drawing in, it is the time for festivals of light. We have been learning about the story and Rama and Sita and how Hindus light diva lamps to represent light overcoming dark and good overcoming evil. We made our own diva lamps from clay and decorated them with beads.

Building a sukkah

Amber Class have been learning about ideas about nature in different religions. We learnt about how Jewish people build sukkahs and live in them for eight days to remember how the Israelites lived in the desert and to become closer to nature and to God.

We used sticks that we collected on our autumn walk and other materials to build our own sukkah.

Autumn fun!

Amber Class have been learning all about autumn. We went on a walk to the woods to spot signs of autumn. We also collected ingredients to make mud pies and thought about the language we need for instructions before writing our own instructions to make a mud pie.

creation story

In RE we have been learning about the Christian creation story. We built the creation story in the quiet area and then we rested and thought about how God gave us the job to look after nature.

In Art, we have been looking at mandalas. We noticed that mandalas are symmetrical. We have also been thinking about being thankful for nature in RE. We went outside and found natural objects to create our own mandalas, making sure that each section looked the same.

Our mandalas are amazing! Nature is awesome!