Cockernhoe Endowed CofE Primary School

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Cockernhoe Endowed CofE Primary School

Value of the Month: Responsibility is the value for February

  1. Children's Pages
  2. Amber Class 2021-22
  3. Amber Class (Year 1 & 2)

Amber Class (Year 1 & 2)

Check out our awesome music!

Paradise wildlife park

Wow! What a day we have had! We had a snack when we arrived and we ate our lunch!

 . . .  Oh, and we saw: dinosaurs and lions and meercats and zebras and emus and camels and wallabies and penguins and tamarins and snow leopards and snakes and turtles and pirahnas and tigers and otters and red pandas and lemurs!

World war two week

This week Amber Class have been learning about World War 2. We have learnt about how we find out about the past and how life was different from today. We have thought about what it would be like to experience and air raid and we have found out about the planes that flew in the war. We finished the week by finding out about rationing and how food was different during the war. We made our own packed lunches: spam sandwiches (cut into quarters) and jam tarts.

Sadza Batik

In Amber Class, we have been exploring African art and design. Check out our amazing sadza batiks. We used cornmeal porridge to paint lines to make pictures and patterns and then dyed the fabric with paint. The porridge resisted the paint to leave white lines. This is a technique used in Zimbabwe to create colourful cloth.

We're all going on a crocodile hunt!

This week Amber Class have been hearing the story 'Akimbo and the Crocodile Man'. We have been imagining what it would be like to go looking for crocodiles. We have thought about the habitat that they live in and how we could describe it. We also played some games to imagine how we would feel if we were searching for crocodiles.

Mama Panya's pancakes

This week we have read a story called Mama Panya's Pancakes. It is set in an African country called Kenya. Adika and his mum walk to the market to buy ingredients to make pancakes and Adika invites all his friends over to share. We have thought about how Adika's village is different to Cockernhoe and how Kenyan pancakes are different to English pancakes - we even got to taste Kenyan pancakes and plantain! We also had a go at grinding spices with a mortar and pestle and played a thumb piano.

Science week

Amber Class had great fun creating their own marble runs. They had the challenge to make the marble turn a corner, go over a bump, set off a domino chain and end up in a cup. We thought about how to speed up or slow down the marble by changing the ramp at the start.

We also learnt about resilience because it took lots of tries before we got them to work!


Amber Class have had great fun building scarecrows (thanks for all the clothes and bottles that were sent in) We based them on members of staff - can you guess who they are?

We'll be writing instructions later this week and creating our own scarecrow stories next week too!

They're doing a good job of looking after our raised beds.

Salvation week

It's so great to all be back in school! We have had so much fun learning about the Easter story and exploring its meaning for Christians. We created our own Easter eggs using papier mache and decorated them with symbols to represent Easter. We then planted seeds inside them to represent new life, like Jesus being resurrected. When our seeds begin to grow, we will be able to plant the whole egg into the ground so our seedlings can grow into flowers.

Amber Class have made some models of places of worship thinking about the different parts of the building and the symbols that they might find there. Check out our awesome models below!

Look at our awesome flowers of belonging. (There were a couple of images I couldn't upload because of the file format, sorry if one of them was your picture)

Home Learning support

I believe the children's email address is in the front of their Reading Records (the password definitely is - it is the same password that they use for the Chromebooks)

This shows how to access the Google Classroom. The children's email address is their first name followed by their last initial with no spaces e.g emmad

(If your child goes by a shortened name, their email address may be their full name.)

When work is set on Google Classroom there may be some tasks where you can choose to do the work on paper or online in a website called SMART Learning Suite. If you want to do it on the computer, here is how you can do it. 

If you do the work on SMART Learning Suite you don't need to  save it or attach it to the assignment in Classroom. I will be able to see what you have done.

Autumn Term

This morning, we were sorting shapes in different ways.

We thought about size, colour, number of sides and number of corners.

We discovered that a circle is the only 2D shape where the number of sides and corners don't match.

This afternoon, we finished our glove puppets. See how well we have learnt to sew!

We then made posters to advertise our amazing puppets!

This week we have been learning about the story of The Three Little Pigs.

We worked in groups to design and build a house out of either bricks, sticks or straw. 

We thought about what rooms we'd need and whether they would need to be big or small.

It was great fun building the houses - I just hope a wolf doesn't come and blow them down!

This week Amber Class went to space . . . with virtual reality headsets. (Look on the Events page to see photos)

We then wrote about our experience on Purple Mash.

Check out some of the awesome Creation Story Learning Logs that we go this week:

Amber Class have planted some beans in their raised bed. We had a go at creating our own videos to explain how to do it (even in the rain!)


Amber Class has turned into an aien planet!

You will find lots of strange plants and animals. Watch the video and see which animals you can spot:

Amber Class went for a walk to explore the changes we could see in Autumn. We went on an adventure through the woods and conquered some tricky paths! 

Amber Class created some mud creatures in Forest School. We used the things we had collected on our walk.

We went on a fascinating walk to the woods where we explored nature. We found lots of mushrooms and toadstools and learnt why we shouldn't touch them. We also thought about all the food that is harvested at this time of year.

Amber Class have been thinking about art that links to nature. We have been learning about mandalas and how they represent cycles in life and nature. We tried to create our own mandalas using nature objects. The wind made it a bit tricky, but I think we we created some master pieces!

Amber Class had Forest School on Wednesday. They had a great time exploring nature to think about being thankful for nature. We then blew our thoughts into bubbles and sent them into the sky!