Curriculum Info
Our Topic this half term is Amazing Animals. Here are some ideas to help support your child with their learning at home:
- Read the book 'Rumble in the Jungle.' Here is a link to the story on YouTube: Rumble in the Jungle
- Visit a local wildlife park/zoo or look for animals in the local area.
- Look for mini-beasts in the garden/local area and discuss what you have found.
- Sing the Nursery Rhyme 'Incy Wincy Spider' with actions.
- Paint a symmetrical butterfly and talk about the symmetry on real butterflies. Here is a link for the resources you might need and instructions: Symmetrical Butterfly Painting
Knowledge Mats
Computing Knowledge Mat Spring 2
Topic and understanding of the world knowledge mat Spring 2
We follow the Little Wandle Phonics Scheme. This link will help you to support your child at home with phonics: